

  1. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2002: Severe and Hazardous Weather, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 616 pp.
  2. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2002: Active learning exercises for Severe and Hazardous Weather, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 102 pp.
  3. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2002: Instructor’s manual for Severe and Hazardous Weather, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 273 pp.
  4. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2005: Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology, 2nd Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 558 pp.
  5. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2005: Active learning exercises for Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology 2nd Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 103 pp.
  6. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2005: Instructor’s manual for Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology, 2nd Edition. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 284 pp.
  7. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2008: Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology, 3rd Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 640 pp. (Now used at over 90 Universities as of Fall 2008 semester)
  8. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2008: Active learning exercises for Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology, 3rd Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 211 pp.
  9. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2008: Instructor’s manual for Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology. 3rd Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, 526 pp.
  10. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2012: Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology, 4th Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
  11. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2017, Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology, 5th Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
  12. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2008: Active learning exercises for Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology, 5th Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
  13. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2021, Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology, 6th Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company (in development).
  14. Rauber, R. M., J. Walsh and D. Charlevoix, 2021: Active learning exercises for Severe and Hazardous Weather, an Introduction to High Impact Meteorology, 6th Edition, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company (in development)
  15. Rauber, R. M., and S. Nesbitt, 2018: Radar Meteorology, A first Course. Wiley, Inc.
  16. Marshak, S., and R. M. Rauber, 2017: Earth Science. Norton, Inc.
  17. Marshak, S., and R. M. Rauber, 2020: Earth Science, 2nd Edition. Norton, Inc.
  18. Olney, J., A. Ludman, S. Marshak, and R.M. Rauber, 2021: Laboratory Manual for Earth Science. 618 pp.
  19. Marshak, S., and R. M. Rauber, 2021: Natural Disasters (in development).

Invited Contributions to Books

  1. Beard, K. V., and R. M. Rauber, 1989:  Cloud Microphysics and Radar.  Chapter 23B, Radar in Meteorology, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 341-347.
  2. Rauber, R.M., 2000: Glossary of Meteorology, contributing author to section on radar meteorology.
  3. Rauber, R.M., 2000: The Atmosphere. Encyclopedia of World Geography. Salem Press, Inc.
  4. Rauber, R.M., 2001: Radar Meteorology. Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 9th Ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 4 pp.
  5. Rauber, R.M. and L. Di Girolamo, 2002: Imaging in Meteorology. Encyclopedia of Imaging Science and Technology, Wiley Inc. pp. 757-773.
  6. Rauber, R.M., 2002: Weather Radar. Encyclopedia of Imaging Science and Technology. Wiley Inc. 26 pp. pp. 1450-1474.
  7. Rauber, R.M., 2003: Microphysical processes in the atmosphere. In Handbook of Weather, Climate and Water, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NK, pp. 255-299.
  8. Rauber, R.M. and M. K. Ramamurthy, 2003: Cloud and Rain Bands. Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, Academic Press, Inc., pp. 1243-1250.
  9. Rauber, R.M., 2008: Monsoon. World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing, Chicago, IL.
  10. Rauber, R.M., 2008: Storm. World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing, Chicago, IL.
  11. Rauber, R.M., 2008: Thunderstorm. World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing, Chicago, IL.
  12. Rauber, R.M., 2008: Flash Flood. World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing, Chicago, IL.
  13. Rauber, R.M., 2011: Fahrenheit Scale. World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing, Chicago
  14. Rauber, R.M., 2011: Ice Storm. World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing, Chicago, IL.
  15. Rauber, R.M., 2011: Isobar. World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing, Chicago, IL.
  16. Rauber, R.M., 2011: Isotherm. World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Publishing, Chicago, IL.
  17. Rauber, R. M. 2013: Cloud and Rain Bands. Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, Academic Press, Inc.. pp 323-330.

Peer reviewed Publications:

  1. Rauber, R. M., D. Feng, L. O. Grant, and J. B. Snider, 1986: The characteristics and distribution of cloud water over the mountains of northern Colorado during wintertime storms.  Part I:  Temporal variations.  Climate Appl. Meteor., 25, 468–488.
  2. Rauber, R. M., and L. O. Grant, 1986: The characteristics and distribution of cloud water over the mountains of northern Colorado during winter-time storms.  Part II: Spatial distribution and microphysical characteristics.   Climate Appl. Meteor., 25, 489–504.
  3. Sassen, K., R. M. Rauber, and J. B. Snider, 1986: Multiple remote sensor observations of supercooled liquid water in a winter storm at Beaver, Utah.  Climate Appl. Meteor., 25, 825–834.
  4. Cotton, W. R., G. J. Tripoli, R. M. Rauber, and E. Mulvihill, 1986: Numerical simulation of the effects of varying ice crystal nucleation rates and aggregation processes on orographic snowfall.   Climate Appl. Meteor., 25, 1658–1680.
  5. Rauber, R. M., and L. O. Grant, 1987: Supercooled liquid water structure of a shallow orographic cloud system in southern Utah.   Climate Appl. Meteor., 26, 208–215.
  6. Rauber, R. M., 1987: Characteristics of cloud ice and precipitation during wintertime storms over the mountains of northern Colorado.  Climate Appl. Meteor., 26, 488–524.
  7. Heggli, M. F., R. M. Rauber, and J. B. Snider, 1987: Field evaluation of the dual-channel microwave radiometer.  Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 4, 204–213.
  8. Blumenstein, R. R., R. M. Rauber, L. O. Grant, and W. G. Finnegan, 1987: Application of ice nucleation kinetics in orographic clouds.  Climate Appl. Meteor., 26, 1363–1376.
  9. Rauber, R. M., and M. F. Heggli, 1988: The influence of cloud droplets on the measurement of ice particle concentrations with a Particle Measuring System’s 2DC optical array probe.  Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 5, 123–128.
  10. Uttal, T., R. M. Rauber, and L. O. Grant, 1988: Distributions of liquid, vapor, and ice in an orographic cloud from field observations.  Atmos. Sci., 45, 1110–1122.
  11. Rauber, R. M., R. D. Elliott, J. O. Rhea, A. W. Huggins, and D. W. Reynolds, 1988: A diagnostic technique for targeting during airborne seeding experiments in wintertime storms over the Sierra Nevada.  Appl. Meteor., 27, 811–828.
  12. Grant, L. O., and R. M. Rauber, 1988: Radar observations of wintertime mountain clouds over Colorado and Utah.  Wea. Modif., 20, 37–43.
  13. Heggli, M. R., and R. M. Rauber, 1988: The characteristics and evolution of supercooled water in wintertime storms over the Sierra Nevada: A summary of microwave radiometric measurements taken during the Sierra Cooperative Pilot Project.  Appl. Meteor., 27, 989–1015.
  14. Beard, K. V., and R. M. Rauber, 1989: Cloud Microphysics and Radar.  Chapter 23B, Radar in Meteorology, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 341–347.
  15. Ramamurthy, M. K., B. P. Collins, R. M. Rauber, and P. C. Kennedy, 1990: Evidence of very-large-amplitude solitary waves in the atmosphere.  Nature, 348, (22 Nov.), 314–317.
  16. Shields, M. T., R. M. Rauber, and M. K. Ramamurthy, 1991: Dynamical forcing and mesoscale organization of precipitation bands in a Midwest winter cyclonic storm.  Wea. Rev., 119, 936–964.
  17. Rauber, R. M., and A. Tokay, 1991: An explanation for the existence of supercooled water at the top of cold clouds.  Atmos. Sci., 48, 1005–1023.
  18. Rauber, R. M., 1991: Microphysical structure and evolution of a central Sierra Nevada orographic cloud system.  Appl. Meteor., 31, 3–24.
  19. Rauber, R. M., K. V. Beard, and B. M. Andrews, 1991: A mechanism for giant raindrop formation in warm, shallow convective clouds.  Atmos. Sci., 48, 1791–1797.
  20. Ramamurthy, M. K., R. M. Rauber, B. P. Collins, M. T. Shields, P. C. Kennedy, and W. L. Clark, 1991: UNIWIPP: A University of Illinois field experiment to investigate the structure of mesoscale precipitation in winter storms.  Amer. Meteor. Soc., 72, 764–776.
  21. Martner, B. E., R. M. Rauber, R. M. Rasmussen, E. T. Prater, and M. K. Ramamurthy, 1992: Impacts of a destructive and well-observed cross country storm.  Amer. Meteor. Soc., 73, 169–172.
  22. Ramamurthy, M. K., R. M. Rauber, B. P. Collins, and N. K. Malhotra, 1993: A comparative study of large amplitude gravity wave events.  Wea. Rev., 121, 2951–2974.
  23. Rauber, R. M., M. K. Ramamurthy, and A. Tokay, 1994: Synoptic and mesoscale structure of a severe freezing rain event: The St. Valentine’s Day ice storm.   Forecasting, 9, 183–208.
  24. Laird, N. F., D. A. R. Kristovich, R. M. Rauber, H. T. Ochs III and L. J. Miller, 1995: The Cape Canaveral sea and river breezes: Kinematic structure and convective initiation.  Wea. Rev., 123, 2942–2956.
  25. Austin, G. R., R. M. Rauber, H. T. Ochs III and L. J. Miller, 1996: Tradewind clouds and Hawaiian rainbands.   Wea. Rev., 124, 2126–2151.
  26. Rauber, R. M., N. F. Laird and H. T. Ochs III, 1996: Precipitation efficiency of tradewind clouds over the north-central tropical Pacific Ocean.  Geophysical Res., Atmospheres, 101, (D21), 26,247–26,253.
  27. Szumowski, M. J., R. M. Rauber, H. T. Ochs III and L. J. Miller, 1997: The microphysical structure and evolution of Hawaiian rainband clouds.  Part I: Radar observations of rainbands containing high reflectivity cores.  Atmos. Sci., 54, 369–385.
  28. Szumowski, M. J., R. M. Rauber, H. T. Ochs III, and K. V. Beard, 1998: The microphysical structure and evolution of Hawaiian rainband clouds.  Part II: Microphysical measurements in rainbands containing high reflectivity cores.  Atmos. Sci., 55, 208–226.
  29. Szumowski, M. J., R. M. Rauber and H. T. Ochs III, 1999: The microphysical structure and evolution of Hawaiian rainband clouds.  Part III: A test of the ultragiant nuclei hypothesis. Atmos. Sci., 56, 1980-2003.
  30. Kristovich, D. A. R., G. S. Young, J. Verlinde, P. J. Sousounis, P. Mourad, D. Lenschow, R. M. Rauber, M. K. Ramamurthy, B. J. Jewett, K. Beard, E. Cutrim, P. J. DeMott, E. W. Eloranta, M. R. Hjelmfelt, S. M. Kreidenweis, Jon Martin, J. Moore, H. T. Ochs, D. C. Rogers, J. Scala, G. Tripoli, and J. Young, 2000: The lake-induced convection experiment (Lake-ICE) and the Snowband Dynamics Project. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 81, 519-542.
  31. Wang, J.-J., R. M. Rauber, H. T. Ochs III, and R. E. Carbone, 2000: The effects of the Island of Hawaii on offshore rainband evolution.  Wea. Rev., 128, 1052-1069.
  32. Rauber, R. M., L. S. Olthoff, M. K. Ramamurthy, and K. E. Kunkel, 2000: The relative importance of warm rain and melting processes in freezing precipitation events.  Appl. Meteor., 39, 1185-1195.
  33. Laird, N. F., H. T. Ochs, R. M. Rauber and L. J. Miller, 2000: Initial precipitation formation in warm Florida cumulus. Atmos. Sci., 57, 3740–3751.
  34. Rauber, R. M., M. Yang, and M. K. Ramamurthy 2001: Origin, evolution, and finescale structure of the St. Valentine’s Day mesoscale gravity wave observed during STORM-FEST.  Part I: Origin and evolution. Wea. Rev., 129, 198-217.
  35. Yang, M., R. M. Rauber and M. K. Ramamurthy 2001: Origin, evolution, and finescale structure of the St. Valentine’s Day mesoscale gravity wave observed during STORM-FEST.  Part II: Finescale structure. Wea. Rev., 129, 218-236.
  36. Rauber, R. M., L. S. Olthoff, M. K. Ramamurthy, and K. E. Kunkel, 2001: Further investigation of a physically based, nondimensional parameter for discriminating between locations of freezing rain and ice pellets. and Forecasting, 16, 185-191.
  37. Bluestein, H. B., B. A. Albrecht, M. Hardesty, D. Rust, D. Parsons, R. Wakimoto, and R. M. Rauber, 2001: Ground-based mobile instrument workshop summary, 23-24 February 2001, Boulder, Colorado. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc. 82, 681-694.
  38. Rauber, R. M., L. S. Olthoff, M. K. Ramamurthy, K. E. Kunkel, and D. Miller, 2001: A synoptic weather pattern and sounding based climatology of freezing precipitation in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains.  Appl. Meteor., 40, 1724-1747..
  39. Rauber, R. M., and R. W. Scott, 2001: Central Illinois cold air funnel outbreak. Wea. Rev., 129, 2815-2821.
  40. Laird, N. F., H. T. Ochs, R. M. Rauber and L. J. Miller, 2001: Corrigendum. Atmos. Sci., 58, 2668-2669.
  41. Jewett, B. J., M. K. Ramamurthy, and R. M. Rauber, 2003: Origin, evolution, and fine scale structure of the St. Valentine’s Day gravity wave observed during STORM-FEST.  Part III: Gravity wave genesis and the role of evaporation.  Wea. Rev., 131, No. 4, pp. 617–633
  42. Davis, C., N. Atkins, D. Bartels, L. Bosart, M.Coniglio, G. Bryan, W. Cotton, D. Dowell, B. Jewett, R. Johns, D. Jorgensen, J. Knievel, K. Knupp, W-C. Lee, G. McFarquhar, J. Moore, R. Przybylinski, R. Rauber, B. Smull, J. Trapp, S Trier, R. Wakimoto, M. Weisman, and C. Ziegler, 2004: The Bow-Echo And MCV Experiment (BAMEX): Observations and Opportunities. Amer. Met. Soc., 85, 1075-1093..
  43. Ralph, M., R. M. Rauber, B. F. Jewett, D. E. Kingsmill, P. Pisano, P. Pugner, R. M. Rasmussen, D. W. Reynolds, T. W. Schlatter, R. E. Stewart, J. S. Waldstricher, 2005: Improving Short Term (0-48 Hour) Cool Season Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting: Recommendations From A USWRP Workshop.  Amer. Met. Soc., 86, 1619-1632.
  44. Cellitti, M., J. W. Walsh, R. M. Rauber, and D. Portis, 2006: Cold Air Outbreaks, the Polar Vortex, and the Large Scale Circulation. Geophys. Res. Atmospheres. 111, D02114: doi:10.1029/2005JD006273.
  45. Colón-Robles, M., R. M. Rauber, and J. B. Jensen, 2006: Influence of low-level wind speed on droplet spectra near cloud base in trade wind cumulus, Res. Lett., 33, L20814, doi:10.1029/2006GL027487.
  46. Grim, J. A., R. M. Rauber, M. K. Ramamurthy, B. F. Jewett and M. Han 2007: High resolution observations of the trowal/warm frontal region of two continental winter cyclones Wea. Rev., 135, 1629–1646.
  47. Han, M., R. M. Rauber, M. K. Ramamurthy, B. F. Jewett and J. A. Grim, 2007: Mesoscale dynamics of the trowal and warm frontal regions of two continental winter cyclones Wea. Rev., 135, 1647–1670.
  48. McFarquhar, G.M., M.S. Timlin, R.M. Rauber, B.F. Jewett, J.A. Grim and D.P. Jorgensen, 2007: Vertical variability of cloud hydrometeors in the stratiform region of mesoscale convective systems and bow echoes. Wea. Rev. 135, 3405-3428.
  49. Cronce M., R. M. Rauber, K. R. Knupp, B. F. Jewett, J. T. Walters, and D. Phillips 2007: Vertical motions in precipitation bands in three winter cyclones, Appl. Meteor. and Clim., 46, 1523-1543.
  50. Rauber, R.M., B. Stevens, H. T. Ochs III, C. Knight, B. A. Albrecht, A.M. Blyth, C.W. Fairall, J. B. Jensen, S. G. Lasher-Trapp, O. L. Mayol-Bracero, G. Vali, J. R. Anderson, B. A. Baker, A. R. Bandy, F. Burnet, J-L. Brenguier, W. A. Brewer, P. R. A. Brown, P. Chuang,W. R. Cotton, L. Di Girolamo, B. Geert, H. Gerber, S. Göke, L. Gomes, B. G. Heikes, J. G. Hudson, P. Kollias, R. P. Lawson, P. Jonas, S. K. Krueger, D. H. Lenschow, L. Nuijens, D. W. O’Sullivan, R. A. Rilling, D. C. Rogers, A. P. Siebesma, E. Snodgrass, J. L. Stith, D.C. Thornton, S. Tucker, C. H. Twohy, P. Zuidema, 2007: Rain in (Shallow) Cumulus over the Ocean—The RICO Campaign, Amer. Met. Soc., 88, 1912–1928.
  51. Rauber, R.M., B. Stevens, J. Davison, S. Göke, O.L. Mayol-Bracero, D. Rogers, P. Zuidema, H.T. Ochs, C. Knight, J. Jensen, S. Bereznicki, S. Bordoni, H. Caro-Gautier, M. Colón-Robles, M. Deliz, S. Donaher, V. Ghate, E. Grzeszczak, C. Henry, A. Marie Hertel, I. Jo, M. Kruk, J. Lowenstein, J. Malley, B. Medeiros, Y. Méndez-Lopez, S. Mishra, F. Morales-García, L.A. Nuijens, D. O’Donnell, D.L. Ortiz-Montalvo, K. Rasmussen, E. Riepe, S. Scalia, E. Serpetzoglou, H. Shen, M. Siedsma, J. Small, E. Snodgrass, P. Trivej, and J. Zawislak, 2007: In the Driver’s Seat: Rico and Education. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88, 1929–1937.
  52. Rauber, R.M., B. Stevens, H.T. Ochs, C. Knight, B.A. Albrecht, A.M. Blyth, C.W. Fairall, J.B. Jensen, S.G. Lasher-Trapp, O.L. Mayol-Bracero, G. Vali, J.R. Anderson, B.A. Baker, A.R. Bandy, E. Burnet, J.L. Brenguier, W.A. Brewer, P.R.A. Brown, P. Chuang, W.R. Cotton, L. Di Girolamo, B. Geerts, H. Gerber, S. Göke, L. Gomes, B.G. Heikes, J.G. Hudson, P. Kollias, R.P. Lawson, S.K. Krueger, D.H. Lenschow, L. Nuijens, D.W. O’Sullivan, R.A. Rilling, D.C. Rogers, A.P. Siebesma, E. Snodgrass, J.L. Stith, D.C. Thornton, S. Tucker, C.H. Twohy, and P. Zuidema, 2007: A Supplement to Rain in Shallow Cumulus Over the Ocean: The RICO Campaign. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88, S12–S18.
  53. Göke, S., H.T. Ochs, and R.M. Rauber, 2007: Radar Analysis of Precipitation Initiation in Maritime versus Continental Clouds near the Florida Coast: Inferences Concerning the Role of CCN and Giant Nuclei. Atmos. Sci., 64, 3695–3707
  54. Smith, A., R. M. Rauber, G. M. McFarquhar, B.F. Jewett, M. S. Timlin, and J. A. Grim, 2009: Microphysical and Thermodynamic Structure and Evolution of the Trailing Stratiform Regions of Mesoscale Convective Systems during BAMEX: Part I: Observations. Wea. Rev., 137, 1165-1185
  55. Grim, J.A., G. M. McFarquhar, R. M. Rauber, A. Smith, and B.F. Jewett, 2009: Microphysical and Thermodynamic Structure and Evolution of the Trailing Stratiform Regions of Mesoscale Convective Systems during BAMEX: Part II: Column Model Simulations. Wea. Rev., 137, 1186-1205.
  56. Grim, J.A., R. M. Rauber, G. M. McFarquhar, A. Smith, and B.F. Jewett, 2009: Development and Forcing of the Rear Inflow Jet in a Rapidly Developing and Decaying Squall Line During BAMEX. Wea. Rev., 137, 1206-1229.
  57. Snodgrass, E., L. Di Girolamo, and R. M. Rauber, 2009: Precipitation characteristics of Trade Winds Clouds during RICO Derived from Radar, Satellite and Aircraft Measurements. Appl. Meteor. and Climatology. 48, 464-483.
  58. McFarquhar, Greg M., Michael S. Timlin, Robert M. Rauber, Brian F. Jewett, Joseph A. Grim, David P. Jorgensen, 2009: Corrigendium. Wea. Rev., 137, 1493–1493.
  59. Plummer, D.M., S. Goke, R.M. Rauber, and L. Di Girolamo, 2010: Discrimination of mixed- vs. ice-phase clouds using dual polarization radar with application to detection of aircraft icing regions. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 49, 920-936.
  60. Minor, Hilary A., Robert M. Rauber, Sabine Göke, Larry Di Girolamo, 2011: Trade Wind Cloud Evolution Observed by Polarization Radar: Relationship to Giant Condensation Nuclei Concentrations and Cloud Organization. Atmos. Sci., 68, 1075–1096.
  61. Market, P.S., K. Crandall, and R. M. Rauber, 2012: High-resolution rawinsonde observations of the cold-sector precipitation regions in transient mid-latitude extratropical cyclones.  National Weather Digest,36, 3-8.
  62. Davison, Jennifer. L., R. M. Rauber, L. Di Girolamo, and M.. A. LeMone, 2013: A Revised Conceptual Model of the Tropical Marine Boundary Layer. Part I: Statistical Characterization of the Variability Inherent in the Wintertime Trade Wind Regime over the Western Tropical Atlantic. Atmos. Sci., 70, 3005–3024.
  63. Davison, J. L., R. M. Rauber, and L. Di Girolamo, 2013: A Revised Conceptual Model of the Tropical Marine Boundary Layer. Part II: Detecting Relative Humidity Layers Using Bragg Scattering from S-Band Radar. Atmos. Sci., 70, 3025–3046.
  64. Davison, J. L., R. M. Rauber, L. Di Girolamo, and M. A. LeMone, 2013: A Revised Conceptual Model of the Tropical Marine Boundary Layer. Part III: Bragg Scattering Layer Statistical Properties. Atmos. Sci., 70, 3047–3062.
  65. Rauber, R. M., G. Zhao, L. Di Girolamo, and M. Colón-Robles, 2013: Aerosol Size Distribution, Particle Concentration, and Optical Property Variability near Caribbean Trade Cumulus Clouds: Isolating Effects of Vertical Transport and Cloud Processing from Humidification Using Aircraft Measurements. Atmos. Sci., 70, 3063–3083.
  66. Rauber, R.M., J. Wegman, D. M. Plummer, A. A. Rosenow, M. Petersen, G.M. McFarquhar, B.F. Jewett, D. Leon, P. S. Market, K. R. Knupp, J. M. Keeler, and S. M. Battaglia, 2014: Stability and charging characteristics of the comma-head region of continental winter cyclones. Atmos, Sci., 71, 1559-1582.
  67. Rosenow, A., R.M. Rauber, G.M. McFarquhar, B.F. Jewett, D. Plummer, D. Leon, 2014: Vertical velocity and physical structure of generating cells and elevated convection in the comma-head region of continental of winter cyclones. Atmos. Sci., 71, 1538-1558.
  68. Bluestein, H. B., R. M. Rauber, D. W. Burgess, B. Albrecht, S. M. Ellis, Y. P. Richardson, D. P. Jorgensen, S. J. Frasier, P. Chilson, R. D. Palmer, S. E. Yuter, W.-C. Lee, D. C. Dowell, P. L. Smith, P. M. Markowski, K. Friedrich and T. M. Weckwerth, 2014: Summary of the 2012 National Science Foundation Community Workshop On Radar Technologies. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95, 1850-1861.
  69. Rauber, R. M., M. K. Macomber, D. M. Plummer, A. A. Rosenow, G. M. McFarquhar, B. F. Jewett, D. Leon, and J. M. Keeler, 2014: Finescale Radar and Airmass Structure of the Comma Head of a Continental Winter Cyclone: The Role of Three Airstreams. Wea. Rev., 142, 4207-4229.
  70. Plummer, D.M., G. M. McFarquhar, R. M. Rauber, B. F. Jewett, and D. C. Leon, 2014: Structure and statistical analysis of the microphysical properties of generating cells in the comma-head region of continental winter cyclones. Atmos. Sci., 71, 4181-4203.
  71. Plummer, D.M., G. M. McFarquhar, R. M. Rauber, B. F. Jewett, and D. C. Leon, 2015: Microphysical properties of convectively-generated fall streaks in the comma-head region of continental winter cyclones. Atmos. Sci., 72, 2465–2483.
  72. Rauber, R. M., D. M. Plummer, M. K. Macomber, A. A. Rosenow, G. M. McFarquhar, B. F. Jewett, D. Leon, Nathan Owens and J. M. Keeler, 2015: The role of generating cells and boundary-layer circulations in the fine-scale structure of a winter cyclone over the Great Lakes. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 2291-2318.
  73. Keeler, J. M., B. F. Jewett, R. M. Rauber, G. M. McFarquhar, R. M. Rasmussen, L. Xue, C. Liu, and G. Thompson, 2016: Dynamics of cloud-top generating cells in winter cyclones. Part I: Idealized simulations in the context of field observations. Atmos. Sci.73, 1507–1527.
  74. Keeler, J. M., B. F. Jewett, R. M. Rauber, G. M. McFarquhar, R. M. Rasmussen, L. Xue, C. Liu, and G. Thompson, 2016: Dynamics of cloud-top generating cells in winter cyclones. Part II: Radiative and instability forcing. Atmos. Sci.73, 1529–1553.
  75. Finlon, J. A., G. M. McFarquhar, R. M. Rauber, D. M. Plummer, B. F. Jewett, Leon, and K. R. Knupp, 2016: A Comparison of X-band Polarization Parameters with In-Situ  Microphysical Measurements in the Comma Head of Two Winter Cyclones. J. Appl. Meteor. Clim., 55, 2549-2574..
  76. Stechman, D.M., R. M. Rauber, G. M. McFarquhar, B. F. Jewett, and D. P. Jorgensen, 2016: Interaction of an Upper-Tropospheric Jet with a Squall Line Originating Along a Cold Frontal Boundary. Wea. Rev., 144, 4197-4219.
  77. Rauber, R. M., S. M. Ellis, J. Vivekanandan, J. Stith, W-C Lee, G. M. McFarquhar, B. F. Jewett, and A. Janiszeski, 2017: Fine scale structure of a snowstorm over the Northeastern United States: a first look at high resolution HIAPER Cloud Radar Observations. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98,253-269.
  78. Geerts, B., D. Parsons, C. Ziegler, T. Weckwerth, D. Turner, J. Wurman, K. Kosiba, R. Rauber, G. McFarquhar, M. Parker, R. Schumacher, M. Coniglio, K. Haghi, M. Biggerstaff, P. Klein, W. Gallus, B. Demoz, K. Knupp, R. Ferrare, A. Nehrir, R. Clark, X. Wang, J. Hanesiak, J. Pinto, and J. Moore, 2017: The 2015 Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) field project. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98, 767-786.
  79. Murphy, A., R. M. Rauber, G. M. McFarquhar, J. A. Finlon. B. F. Jewett, D. M. Plummer, and A. A. Rosenow, 2017: A Microphysical Analysis of Elevated Convection in the Comma Head Region of Continental Winter Cyclones. Atmos. Sci., 74, 69-91.
  80. Owens, N.D., R M. Rauber, B. F. Jewett, and G. M. McFarquhar, 2017: The role of lake enhancement in the evolution of the 2011 Chicago-area groundhog’s day blizzard. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 2405-2420.
  81. Keeler, J. M., B. F. Jewett, R. M. Rauber, G. M. McFarquhar, R. M. Rasmussen, L. Xue, C. Liu, and G. Thompson, 2017: Dynamics of cloud-top generating cells in winter cyclones. Part III: Shear and convective organization. Atmos. Sci., 74, 2879-2897.
  82. French, J.R., K. Friedrich, S. Tessendorf, R. Rauber, B. Geerts, R. Rasmussen, L. Xue, M. Kunkel, D. Blestrud, 2018: Precipitation formation from orographic cloud seeding. Nat. Acad. Sci., January 22, 2018,
  83. Rosenow, A., R. M. Rauber, B. F. Jewett, G. M. McFarquhar, and J. M. Keeler, 2018: Elevated Potential Instability in the Comma-Head: Distribution and Development. Wea. Rev., 146, 1259-1278.
  84. Haupt, S.E., R.M. Rauber, B. Carmichael, J.C. Knievel, and J.L. Cogan, 2018: 100 Years of Progress in Applied Meteorology. Part I: Basic Applications. Meteorological Monographs, 59, 22.1–22.33,
  85. McFarquhar, G.M. and R.M. Rauber, 2018: Preface. Meteorological Monographs, 59, vii–ix,
  86. McFarquhar, G.M. and R.M. Rauber, 2018: Epilogue. Meteorological Monographs, 59, xi–xi,
  87. Tessendorf, S.A., J. French, K. Friedrich, B. Geerts, R.M. Rauber, R. M. Rasmussen, L. Xue, K. Ikeda D. Blestrud, M. Kunkel, S. Parkinson, J. R. Snider, J. Aikins, S. Faber, A. Majewski, C. Grasmick, P. Bergmaier, A. Janiszeski, A. Springer, C. Weeks, D. J. Serke, and R. Bruintjes, 2019: Transformational approach to winter orographic weather modification research: The SNOWIE Project. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100, 71–92,
  88. Finlon, J.A., G.M. McFarquhar, R. Rauber, S. Nesbitt, D. Plummer, and B.F. Jewett, 2019: Representing mass-dimensional relations as probability density surfaces in a-b phase space. Atmos Chem. Phys., Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2019, 19, 3621–3643,
  89. Rauber, R.M., B. Geerts, L. Xue, J. French, K. Friedrich, R. M. Rasmussen, S. A. Tessendorf, D. R. Blestrud, M. L. Kunkel, and S. Parkinson, 2019: Wintertime Orographic Cloud Seeding-A Review. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatology, 58, 2117-2140.
  90. Stechman, D.M., G.M. McFarquhar, R.M. Rauber, M.M. Bell, B.F. Jewett, and J. Martinez, 2020: Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Microphysical and Thermodynamic Characteristics of the 20 June 2015 PECAN MCS. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 1363–1388,
  91. Friedrich, K K. Ikeda, S. A. Tessendorf, J. French, Rauber, R.M., B. Geerts, L. Xue, R. M. Rasmussen, D. R. Blestrud, M. L. Kunkel, N. Dawson, and S. Parkinson, 2020: Quantifying snowfall from orographic cloud seeding. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 117 (10) 5190-5195
  92. Wang, Y, G. M. McFarquhar, R. M. Rauber, C. Zhao, W. Wu, J. A. Finlon, D. M. Stechman, J. Stith, J. Jensen, M. Schnaiter, E. Järvinen, F. Waitz, J. Vivekanandan, and M, Dixon, B. Rainwater and D. W. Toohey 2020: Microphysical Properties of Generating Cells over the Southern Ocean: Results from SOCRATES. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres.,
  93. Stechman, D.M., G.M. McFarquhar, R.M. Rauber, B.F. Jewett, and R.A. Black, 2020: Composite In Situ Microphysical Analysis of all Spiral Vertical Profiles Executed within BAMEX and PECAN Mesoscale Convective Systems. J. Atmos. Sci., 148, 1363-1388.
  94. Jensen, J. B., S. P. Beaton, J. L. Stith, K. Schwenz, M. Colón-Robles, R. M. Rauber, and J. Gras, 2020: The Giant Nucleus Impactor (GNI)—A System for the Impaction and Automated Optical Sizing of Giant Aerosol Particles with Emphasis on Sea Salt. Part I: Basic Instrument and Algorithms. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 37, 1551–1569,
  95. Rauber, R. M., Hu, H., Dominguez, F., Nesbitt, S. W., McFarquhar, G. M., Zaremba, T. J., & Finlon, J. A. (2020). Structure of an Atmospheric River Over Australia and the Southern Ocean. Part I: Tropical and Midlatitude Water Vapor Fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(18).
  96. Finlon, J. A., Rauber, R. M., Wu, W., Zaremba, T. J., McFarquhar, G. M., Nesbitt, S. W., Schnaiter, M., Järvinen, E., Waitz, F., Hill, T. C. J., & DeMott, P. J. (2020). Structure of an Atmospheric River Over Australia and the Southern Ocean: II. Microphysical Evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(18).
  97. McFarquhar, G.M., C. Bretherton, R. Marchand, A. Protat, P. DeMott, S. Alexander, S. Rintoul, G. Roberts, C. Twohy, D. Toohey, S. Siems, Y. Huang, R. Wood, R. Rauber, S. Lasher-Trapp, J. Jensen, J. Stith, J. Mace, J. Um, E. Jaervinen, M. Schnaiter, A. Gettelman, K. Sanchez, C. McCluskey, I. MccOy, K. Moore, T. Hill, and B. Rainwater (2020), Unique observations of clouds, aerosols and precipitation over the Southern Ocean: An overview of CAPRICORN, MARCUS, MICRE and SOCRATES. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., in press.
  98. Zaremba, T, R. M. Rauber, G. M. McFarquhar, Matthew Hayman, J. A. Finlon, and D. M. Stechman, 2020: Phase Characterization of Cold Sector Southern Ocean Cloud Tops: results from SOCRATES. J. Geophys. Res.,
  99. Friedrich, K, J. French, S. A. Tessendorf, M. Hatt, C. Weeks, Rauber, R.M., B. Geerts, L. Xue, R. M. Rasmussen, D. R. Blestrud, M. L. Kunkel, N. Dawson, and S. Parkinson, 2021: Microphysical characteristics and evolution of seeded orographic clouds. Appl. Meteor., in press.
  100. D’Alessandro, J. G. M. McFarquhar, W. Wu, J. Stith, J. Jensen, and R.M. Rauber, 2021: Characterizing the occurrence and spatial heterogeneity of liquid, ice and mixed phase low-level clouds over the Southern Ocean using in situ observations acquired during SOCRATES. J. Geophys. Res. Atms., in press.
  101. Zaremba, T, R. M. Rauber, G. M. McFarquhar, P.J. Demott, J. A. Finlon, and D. M. Stechman, 2021: Role of the Ice Phase in Southern Ocean Clouds with Cloud Top Temperatures Exceeding -5°C. J. Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, In press.
  102. Hu, Y., G. M. McFarquhar, W. Wu, Y. Huang, A. Schwarzenboeck, J. W. Strapp, A. Protat, A. Korolev, R. M. Rauber and H. Wang, 2021: Dependence of Ice Microphysical Properties On Environmental Parameters: Results from HAIC/HIWC Cayenne Field Campaign. J.Atmos. Sci., in press.

Peer reviewed papers under review

  1. Grasmick, C., B. Geerts, X. Chu, J. R. French, and R. M. Rauber, 2021, Detailed dual-Doppler structure of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves from an airborne profiling radar over complex terrain. Part II: Evidence for precipitation enhancement. J. Atmos. Sci., in review.
  2. Miller, R. M., G. M. McFarquhar, R. M. Rauber, S. Gupta, M. R. Poellot, J. R. O’Brien, D. Delene, M. Segal-Rozenhaimer, A. J. Sedlacek, and Caroline Dang, 2020: Supermicron-size aerosol particles originating from biomass burning in south central Africa. J. Geophys. Res.- Atms., in review.
  3. Xue, L., C. Weeks, S. Chen, S. A. Tessendorf, R. M. Rasmussen, K. Ikeda, B. Kosovic, D. Behringer, J. R. French, K. Friedrich, T. J. Zaremba, R. M. Rauber, B. Geerts, D. Blestrud, M. Kunkel, N. Dawson, and S. Parkinson, 2021: Comparison between observed and simulated AgI seeding impacts in a well-observed case from the SNOWIE field program., J. Appl. Meteor. Climatology, In Review.

Peer reviewed papers under development

  1. Zaremba, T.J., R. M. Rauber, K. Heimes, B. Geerts and C. Grasmick J. French, S. Tessendorf, S. J. Haimov, K. Friedrich, R. Rasmussen, L. Xue, M. L. Kunkel, and D. R. Blestrud: 2020: Updrafts in orographic cloud systems over the Payette River Basin of Idaho: Retrieval of Vertical Motions and Particle Terminal Velocity. J. Appl. Meteor., in preparation..
  2. Finlon, J.A., G.M. McFarquhar, R.M. Rauber, B.F. Jewett, D.M. Plummer and R. Rasmussen, 2019: Investigating how mass-dimension relationships depend on environmental conditions in winter storms. Atmos. Chem. Physics., In preparation.
  3. Janiszeski, A., R. M. Rauber, S. Ellis, G. M. McFarquhar, and B. Jewett, 2020: Turbulent structure of a warm front in a winter cyclone. Geophys. Res. Atms., in preparation.
  4. Zaremba, T.J., R. M. Rauber, K. Heimes, B. Geerts and C. Grasmick J. French, S. Tessendorf, S. J. Haimov, K. Friedrich, R. Rasmussen, L. Xue, M. L. Kunkel, and D. R. Blestrud: 2020: Updrafts in orographic cloud systems over the Payette Mountains of Idaho, Part II: Relationship to forcing. J. Appl. Meteor., in preparation.
  5. Heimes,K. , R. M. Rauber, Zaremba, T.J., S. Tessendorf, B. Geerts and C. Grasmick J. French, S. J. Haimov, K. Friedrich, R. Rasmussen, L. Xue, M. L. Kunkel, and D. R. Blestrud: 2020: Updrafts in orographic cloud systems over the Payette Mountains of Idaho, Part II: Comparison of observations with WRF simulation. Appl. Meteor., in preparation.
  6. Adams, A., R.M. Rauber, B. F. Jewett, and G. M. McFarquhar, 2021: Dynamics of the trailing stratiform region of the 20 June Pecan MCS. Part I: Comparison of model simulation with airborne observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., In preparation
  7. McMurdie, L. A., G. M. Heymsfield, J. E. Yorks, S. A. Braun, G. Skofronick-Jackson, R. M. Rauber, S. Yuter, B. Colle, G. M. McFarquhar, M. Poellot, D. R. Novak, T. J. Lang, R. Kroodsma, M. McLinden, M. Oue, P. Kollias, M. R. Kumjian, S. J. Greybush, A. J. Heymsfield, J. A. Finlon, V. L. McDonald, and S. Nicholls, 2021: Chasing Snowstorms: The Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-threatening Snowstorms (IMPACTS) Campaign. Amer. Meteor. Soc., In preparation.

Editorial Publications

  1. Rauber, R. M., 2003: J. Appl. Met. Clim., 42, 3.
  2. Rauber, R. M., Garstang, and D. A. R. Kristovich, 2003: Editorial. J. Appl. Met. Clim., 42, 3.
  3. Rauber, R. M., K. Heideman, and J. Klemp, 2006: J. Appl. Met. Clim., 45, 3.
  4. Jorgensen, D. P., R. M. Rauber, K. F. Heideman, M. E. Fernau, M. A. Friedman, and A. L. Schien, 2007: The history of scholarly publications of the American Meteorological Society. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88, 1122-1126
  5. Jorgensen, D. P., R. M. Rauber, K. F. Heideman, M. E. Fernau, M. A. Friedman, and A. L. Schien, 2007: What happens to my paper after it is sent to the AMS? Peer Review and Publication. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88, 1126-1129.
  6. Jorgensen, D. P., R. M. Rauber, K. F. Heideman, M. E. Fernau, M. A. Friedman, and A. L. Schien, 2007: What determines how much we pay? The cost of AMS publications. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88, 1129-1131.
  7. Jorgensen, D. P., R. M. Rauber, K. F. Heideman, M. E. Fernau, M. A. Friedman, and A. L. Schien, 2007: What’s new – The electronic workflow. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88, 1131-1134.
  8. Rauber, R. M., and K. F. Heideman, 2014: Faster, Cheaper, and More Nimble: Improvements and Innovations in Publishing AMS Journals. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95, 619-623.
  9. Rauber, R. M., W. Brune, and W. Robinson, 2015: Editorial. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 3–3.
  10. Schultz, D. M., R. M. Rauber, and K. F. Heideman, 2015: AMS Policy on Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 417–418. (Published in all AMS Journals).
  11. Mayernik, M.S., M. K. Ramamurthy, and R. M. Rauber, 2015: Data Archiving and Citation within AMS Journals. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 993–994. (Published in all AMS Journals).
  12. McFarquhar G.M., and R. M. Rauber, 2016: Meteorological Monographs and Special Collections. J. Climate, 29, 905–906 (published in all AMS Journals).
  13. Rauber, R. M., 2017: Journal embargo reduced to one year. Wea. Rev., 145, 3. (published in all AMS Journals).
  14. Rauber, R.M., 2018: AMS Discontinuing Expedited Contribution Article Type. Wea. Climate Soc., 10, 3–4 (published in all AMS Journals).
  15. Schultz, D.M., T. M. DelSole, R. M. Rauber and W. A. Robinson, 2018: AMS Journals Welcome Review Articles, J. Climate 31, 3729-3730 (published in all AMS Journals).